2022 Steinbach Bible College Report

2022 National Assembly SBC Report “I felt accepted and knew that I belonged here. Care Groups were an incredible opportunity to be a part of the student life at SBC and the practical application encouraged throughout my classes was transformational. Over the years I have learned so much about God and who I am in… Continue reading 2022 Steinbach Bible College Report

2022 International Community of Mennonite Brethren Report

2022 National Assembly ICOMB Report The last two years have been unique in many ways, but we are thankful for what could be done, and we are also grateful that limitations are decreasing. In May 2021, we celebrated our Summit with online meetings on three consecutive days. Additionally, we had two virtual meetings (April and… Continue reading 2022 International Community of Mennonite Brethren Report

2022 Mennonite Disaster Service Report

2022 National Assembly MDS Report MDS Canada 2021: Faith in Action, Caring Relationships “It was nothing short of a miracle. It never would have happened without MDS. It’s just so unreal. I don’t know how to thank MDS. It’s amazing how people we don’t know came to help us. It’s God sent, that’s all I… Continue reading 2022 Mennonite Disaster Service Report

2022 BCMB Report

2022 National Assembly BCMB (British Columbia) Report   Leadership in times of uncertainty and change is demanding. Watching Volodymyr Zelensky the president of the Ukraine rally his fellow Ukrainians in the face of Russian bombardment is evidence in the extreme. Zelensky, it is reported, is being targeted by Putin and his generals who want to… Continue reading 2022 BCMB Report

2022 Mennonite Central Committee Report

Benedicte Fadzili Bugogero shows the catchment system that collects rainwater from the roof of his home in DR Congo. The project was implemented by MCC’s Mennonite Brethren church partner to help reduce disease in the community. (MCC photo/Matthew Lester)

2022 National Assembly MCC Report   As we reflect on the past year of ministry, MCC is grateful to walk hand-in-hand with the Mennonite Brethren church to share God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ. Despite the challenges of a global pandemic, changing weather patterns and millions of people forced to… Continue reading 2022 Mennonite Central Committee Report

2022 Mennonite World Conference Report

2022 National Assembly MWC Report   Mennonite World Conference (MWC) is called to be a communion of Anabaptist-related churches linked to one another in a worldwide community of faith for fellowship, worship, service and witness.   MWC is our Anabaptist global church with more than 1.4 million baptized believers in 109 national member churches, including… Continue reading 2022 Mennonite World Conference Report

2022 Atlantic Canada Report

2022 National Assembly Atlantic Canada Report Our three churches—The Well Dartmouth, River of Life MB Church Moncton, and Gateway Community Church in Lower Sackville–are glad to be coming out of Covid restrictions, with finances mostly stable.  The Well (led by Adam Greeley) operates three micro churches with a full gathering monthly.  They are thankful for… Continue reading 2022 Atlantic Canada Report

2022 AEFMQ Report

2022 National Assembly AEFMQ (Quebec) Report   Our provincial convention looked at promoting discipleship. Elton DaSilva inspired us with an outline of the complexities and needed focus for the various levels of engagement in the local church.   Our April meeting was a Friday Zoom business meeting followed by an in-person focus on discipleship the… Continue reading 2022 AEFMQ Report

2022 ONMB Report

2022 National Assembly ONMB (Ontario) Report Greetings Assembly delegates and partners in ministry,   This past year has felt like a rugged cross country road trip. The terrain has been marked by bumps, curves, potholes, inclines, and descents, all exacerbated by the pandemic. Although the destination has remained in focus what has lurked around the… Continue reading 2022 ONMB Report

2022 MBCM Report

2022 National Assembly MBCM (Manitoba) Report   Staff and Board Update We said a big thank you and farewell to board members Ruth Schellenberg and Harold Froese, who have both been long-time board members with MBCM while also carrying a variety of other roles in representing us on CCMBC boards. Their board participation came to… Continue reading 2022 MBCM Report