Nominee Profiles

2024 National Assembly (AGM) Nominee profiles Executive Board Tim Doerksen, Moderator Tim Doerksen is a member of Gem MB Church in Gem, AB. He and his wife Yvonne are involved in a family farming and livestock operation with his brother. Along with being the current moderator of his church, he also served on the ABMB… Continue reading Nominee Profiles

2022 CCMBC Legacy report

Legacy provides payroll and accounting services for our churches and conferences, administers the group benefits plan for conference employees and retirees, and administers the CCMBC Pension Plan. The raising of funds and lending activities are facilitated through our subsidiary, CCMBC Investments Ltd. By investing in promissory notes, investors provide the capital necessary for us to extend secured mortgages to our churches, pastors, schools, and camps, enabling them to have a presence in the communities they serve.

2022 National Director’s Report

2022 National Assembly National Director Report Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means “the stone of help”), for he said, “Up to this point the Lord has helped us!” 1 Samuel 7:12 I know the passage of scripture above has… Continue reading 2022 National Director’s Report

2022 NFLT Report

The National Faith and Life Team exists to articulate and safeguard Mennonite Brethren
theological convictions, produce theological and pastoral resources, and provide discernment and
guidance on current issues. We continue to serve the MB churches of Canada in the area of
strengthening the Canadian MB identity and community.

2022 MB Seminary report

Imagine if your Church became a regional hub for church-based leadership and theological training in partnership with MB Seminary… How would this impact the local community for God’s Kingdom?

2022 Multiply report

In many ways, 2020 was an exceptional year, especially in regard to the massive challenges and changes that have come as a result of the global pandemic. COVID-19 has reminded us all of our vulnerability, and also our shared humanity. In the face of this, we have found hope in God through faith in Jesus Christ.

2022 Historical Commission Report

2022 National Assembly Mennonite Brethren Historical Commission The Historical Commission through its four archives (Fresno, Abbotsford, Hillsboro, and Winnipeg) and continues to offer research and archiving services to MB churches — their institutions and their people.   One of my roles as keeper of the Winnipeg archives (Centre for MB Studies), is to help churches… Continue reading 2022 Historical Commission Report

2022 ETEQ Report

2022 National Assembly ETEQ Report ETEQ Equips the Whole Body of Christ to Serve ETEQ, in its different names and forms (IBL, ETEM, ETEQ) has served an impressive generation of workers who have been very involved in ministry. We have served and equipped lay people who are involved in their local AEFMQ church ministries as… Continue reading 2022 ETEQ Report

2022 Columbia Bible College Report

2022 National Assembly CBC Report Columbia Bible College seeks to equip people for a life of discipleship, ministry, and leadership in service to the church and community.   APPLIED LEADERSHIP PROGRAM ADDITIONS We are excited to announce new program elements within the Applied Leadership degree. Built upon a strong biblical foundation, the Applied Leadership program… Continue reading 2022 Columbia Bible College Report

2022 Canadian Mennonite University Report

2022 National Assembly CMU Report Greeting to the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches   Here’s a glimpse into 2022/23 CMU courses:   Disruptive Good News—The Church in Acts | Sheila Klassen-Wiebe | Through the lens of the book of Acts, this course will examine how the Good News of Jesus disrupts people’s lives, social… Continue reading 2022 Canadian Mennonite University Report