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Our provincial convention looked at promoting discipleship. Elton DaSilva inspired us with an outline of the complexities and needed focus for the various levels of engagement in the local church.
Our April meeting was a Friday Zoom business meeting followed by an in-person focus on discipleship the next day. Despite not having a Conference minister throughout the COVID period we made progress in several areas.
The national Code of ethics was translated and approved along with a policy for hiring pastors in conjunction with the provincial Faith and Life Team.
Camp Peniel is reopening this summer while two teams have been established to look at Discipleship and Youth. These could possibly be turned into CUSP teams.
In 2021, we began the consultation process with our churches and local partners towards the renewal of our vision and direction as an association. We are aiming to have some concrete plans for spring 2023. Our chair Nathan is working on improving relations between the two English congregations and the French churches.
We approved the accreditation of Alain Després who has become a local pastor as well as the first woman to be fully accredited: Véronique Beaudin, student coordinator at ÉTEQ.
We encourage our ÉTEQ with its new director Jean-Christophe Bieselaar as it faces continual challenges and joys to provide French-language education in theology.
Richard Lougheed continues as Quebec representative for the national bodies while chair Nathan Whatley participates regularly in evening meetings (Town Halls, EB on occasion) as his schedule permits. Our priority is finding more local representatives for our provincial Board and the CUSP committees.
We aim to be self-financing and the past year was quite positive
Our treasurer Anne Lalonde has been very busy cleaning up years of confusion in the statements and has almost caught up.
Congregations have generally been generously allowing us to return to giving to CCMBC this year and to contribute for Abbotsford flood relief and to partially compensate ETEQ with reduced CCMBC and Missionary Alliance funding.
We are attempting to provide quarterly funding for CCMBC and encouraging local congregations to do the same for us as well as using direct deposits for security and speed.
Our primary goal is to establish clear goals for the upcoming years (a 3 or 5-year plan) and to develop young leaders.
The Camp seems to be on solid financial ground but many of the French congregations and ÉTEQ remain fragile in terms of finance and leadership.
All our congregations are now incorporated except three. One is in the process on being incorporated. As for the other two, the probability it that they will be combining soon to two French congregations to form a stronger community.
Camp Peniel donated $20,000 to AEFMQ for investment in future projects. The amount was invested with CCMBC Legacy Funds. This distorted the picture leaving a $44,152.13 surplus.