MBCM report

As we prepare for the March Assembly, I am grateful for how our MBCM churches have leaned into being the conference. These last two years have challenged and pushed us to think about what it means to ‘be together’ as a community of churches. We recognize that hearing each other is essential to know where each other is coming from. And while we know we do not all see things the same way, as we listen to each other, we begin to see the kingdom work taking place in so many different ways throughout our province. May God continue to guide us in this good work both together and as individual congregations.


I am grateful for the opportunity to work with the fine folks on the Leadership Board. These have been challenging times, and the board has wrestled well with the many decisions that have been made. Working with River East Church and their membership in our conference has been at the forefront. Yet, there have been many other matters we have attended to along the way, including work on the inclusion model. Navigating these matters has led to many extra hours outside the regularly scheduled meetings. Thanks to each of you for your willingness and desire to lead our conference well.


We continue to be blessed by the work of our MBCM staff. Cam, Jason, Amanda, & Bomba are a blessing to us as a conference – both provincially and on the national stage. Of course, with staff come transitions. We are sad to have Amanda leave us. She did excellent work, and we wish her God’s richest blessing in her new endeavours. Cam has been our Provincial Director for the past five years. His work has blessed us through a tumultuous time. Through it all, he has exhibited a spirit of humility, compassion, and courage. He will be missed, and we pray God’s grace & blessing in this next season of his life. Thank you for your leadership, Cam.


As a Leadership Board, we are committed to a healthy transition through this time. We are currently working on a search process and discerning what kind of leader is best for us and where we are as a provincial conference. We are committed to walking deliberately with Jason and other MBCM staff to ensure they have what they need through this transition period. We invite your prayers as we navigate this season and search for a new Provincial Director. 


Thank you to our MBCM churches for your vital support this past year. We ask that churches send in 13% to MBCM, and then in conversation with CCMBC, we distribute approximately 30% to them. Because of your strong support in 2023, we ended the year with a surplus for the second year. This surplus gives us room to dream of various initiatives to best live into God’s desire for us as a provincial body.


Nationally, Manitoba continues to be an essential voice. With the shift in CCMBC leadership, the focus moves to working out how the Collaborative Unified Strategic Plan (CUSP) operates. Moving from a model on paper to something operational is proving to be a challenge. As a provincial board, we have been implementing the four strategic areas into our operations
(Leadership Development, Organizational Health, Spiritual Health & Theology, Missions). Cam & Jason have represented Manitoba well on the NMT & NFLT, respectively. I have been sitting on the CCMBC Executive Board.


As a final note, in consultation with my One88 church board, I am not renewing my term as MBCM moderator. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve MBCM in this role. While it has been a challenging time, I am thankful for the good people with whom I have had the chance to work. The work of the church is good even when it is difficult. Thank you for the many prayers and encouraging notes I have received along the way. The words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 1 are my prayer for you/us:


“I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in him, in speech and knowledge of every kind— just as the testimony of Christ has been strengthened among you— so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


Dave Ens, Manitoba Moderator