National Assembly

What is a delegate?

Each year, the MB Church of Canada gathers together either in-person or virtually for inspiration, reporting, direction-setting, and decision-making. Known as the National Assembly, this gathering is made up of Member Organizations (Executive Board, National Faith & Life Team, National Ministry Team, provincial boards, and agency boards – Multiply and MB Seminary)*, and church delegates who represent Member Churches. Member Churches are entitled to be represented at any National Assembly by delegates.


Following current bylaws, the Executive Board of the Canadian Conference of MB Churches has chosen not to recognize member organization delegates at the 2021 National Assembly. The board acted in this way to protect CCMBC from potential legal challenges to Assembly outcomes related to decision points. We ask these representatives to coordinate with their homes churches to be registered as church delegates instead. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have questions, please direct them to>

Who can be a church delegate?

Each delegate representing a Member Church must be:
  • Over the age of 18
  • A member in good standing within the church
  • Approved by the church membership or governing body of the church

Each member church is entitled to 1 delegate for every 25 members. In addition, you may have only one pastor delegate per church.

What is a delegate's role?

  • To elect members of the Executive Board, the National Faith & Life Team, Legacy, and the Nominating Committee.
  • To receive reports from the Executive Board, the National Faith & Life Team, the National Ministry Team, Member Organizations (provinces, MB Seminary, Legacy, and Multiply), the Nominating Committee, and the external Auditor.
  • To hold the reporting boards and committees accountable for their actions
  • To vote on policy, direction, and amendments to governing documents.


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