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- communications@mbchurches.ca
Each year, we gather as a National Family to review our work and progress, refresh our purpose and goals, celebrate and pray together, and make decisions. Historically, we have met in a physical location, but the past two years have forced us to innovate and use a virtual base.
Overall, we hope for two national gatherings in a year: our National Assembly in June and then an EQUIP event in Fall. We have thought that it would be more important to gather physically for an EQUIP event and so we plan to hold the National Assembly as a virtual event. Along with saving time and money, it allows for more engagement from all corners of the country.
We plan three events:
Thursday Evening Information and Discussion Sessions on three key topics: Finances, Theology, and Agreements.
Friday Evening Celebration and Worship around the theme “Grace and Truth”; and
Saturday’s Annual General Meeting for Reports, Decisions, and Elections.
This year, we lean into our new reality of blending delegates from our churches as well as provincial and partner boards. Please note that church delegates need to register through their churches; board members can register directly on the website. Guests are welcome at all events and can register on the website.
We plan to have a combination of written and video presentations on our website to help you prepare. If you have questions prior to the event, please feel free to email Elton or Ron – we look forward to welcoming you in a few weeks!