2024 National Assembly (AGM)


Date: Thursday, June 13, 2024

Location: Zoom

Time: 6 pm – 8 pm CDT

  1. Meeting called to order – welcome and instructions.

  2. Consent Motion to appoint parliamentarians, ballot team, and minute review committee.

  3. Consent Motion to approve 2024 agenda and the Oct 28, 2023 National Assembly minutes as presented

  4. Moderator Report

  5. Commissioning of Cam Stuart, CCMBC National Director

  6. Motion to ratify the appointment of Cam Stuart as our National Director for the CCMBC
  7. National Director Report

  8. National Faith & Life Report

  9. Finance & Audit

    1. Motion to approve the 2023 audited financial statements as presented:

      • CCMBC Non-Consolidated Financials

      • Consolidated CCMBC Legacy Fund Inc. Consolidated Financials

      • CCMBC Pension Plan
    2. Motion to approve KPMG as auditors for:

      • CCMBC

      • CCMBC Legacy Fund Inc.

      • CCMBC Investments

      • CCMBC Pension
  10.  Nominations

    1. Elections by ballot

      • Executive Board

      • MB Seminary
      • Multiply Board

      • Nominations Committee

  11. Motion to Affirm Provincial Representatives for BC, AB, and MB.

  12. Multiply Bylaws

    1. Motion to approve the Multiply bylaws (Canada) as presented.

  13. Consent Motion to adjourn.


Rules of Order 

  1. We strive for unity and respect, involving the participation of all assembled, as we deliberate decisions that shape the future of our conference.
  2. Delegates should stand to speak at a nearby microphone or indicate you want to speak by using the “raise hand” function in Zoom. Please use the following protocol:
  3. Wait for acknowledgement by the moderator.
  4. State your name, church and community you come from.
  5. Address the moderator. Delegates may not dialogue with each other on the floor.
  6. Keep remarks to the point. Avoid repeating statements already made by another delegate.
  7. Take care to confine remarks to the motion or resolution under discussion.
  8. A delegate may speak to an issue more than once, unless there are other delegates who wish to address an issue. A delegate should not ask for the floor more than 3 times on one issue. The mover of a motion may answer questions to a motion as often as they are raised.
  9. Individuals other than delegates may be permitted to speak, subject to the decision of the moderator. The assembled delegates may, by a simple majority vote, override the decision of the chair.
  10. Only delegates are permitted to vote.
  11. For online delegates, the “Digital Voting Policy for Conventions of the Conference” will be followed. Additional instructions may be provided by the Moderator regarding any other meeting procedures required by online delegates.
  12. In general, Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed.