2024 National Assembly (AGM)

2024 Notice of Motions

Date: Thursday, June 13, 2024

Location: Zoom

Time: 6-8 pm CDT

Summary of Motions

  1. Meeting called to order
  2. Consent Motion to appoint parliamentarians, ballot team and minute review committee
  3. Consent Motion to approve 2024 agenda and the 2023 National Assembly Minutes
  4. Motion to ratify the appointment of Cam Stuart as our National Director for the CCMBC.
  5. Motions to approve the audited financial statements as presented:
    • CCMBC Non-Consolidated Financials
    • Consolidated Legacy Financials
    • CCMBC Pension Plan
  6. Motions to approve KPMG as auditors for:
    • CCMBC
    • CCMBC Legacy Fund Inc.
    • CCMBC Pension Plan
  7. Motion to receive and approve elections for:
    • Executive Board
    • MB Seminary Board
    • Multiply Board
    • Nomination Committee
  8. Motion to affirm Provincial Representatives to the Executive Board.
  9. Motion to approve the Multiply bylaws (Canada) as presented.
  10. Motion to adjourn.

2. Consent Motion – Parliamentarians, Ballot Team, and Minute Review Committee

That the parliamentarians (Michelle Knowles, ONMB, and Reg Toews, BCMB) the minute review committee (Brad Sumner and Ken Peters) , and ballot team (Paul Loewen and Carson Samson) be approved as presented.

3. Consent Motion – Approval of Agenda and 2023 National Assembly Minutes

Consent Motion:
It is moved that we approve the June 13, 2024, National Assembly AGM agenda and the October 28,  2023, National Assembly Minutes.

Related Documents:

4. Motion – National Director Ratification

It is moved that we ratify the appointment of Cam Stuart as our National Director for the CCMBC.

5. Motions – Approval of Audited Statements

It is moved that the 2023 audited non-consolidated financial statements for CCMBC be approved as presented.

It is moved that the 2023 audited financial statements of the Canadian MB Pension Plan be approved as presented.

It is moved that the CCMBC Member Representative* approve the 2023 CCMBC Legacy Fund Inc. consolidated financial statements as presented.

Related Documents:

6. Motions – Approval of KPMG as Auditor

It is moved that KPMG be appointed as auditor for CCMBC for fiscal year 2024.

It is moved that KPMG be appointed as auditor for the CCMBC Pension Plan for the fiscal year 2024.

It is moved that the CCMBC Member Representative* vote in favour of KPMG being appointed as auditor for CCMBC Legacy Fund Inc. for fiscal year 2024.

It is moved that the CCMBC Member Representative* vote in favour of KPMG being appointed as auditor for CCMBC Investments for fiscal year 2024.

7. Motion – Elections

It is moved that the following individuals be received and elected, by ballot, as nominees to the following boards:

  • Executive Board
    • Tim Doerksen – Moderator (term: 2024 – 2026)
    • Vijay Manuel – Assistant Moderator (term:2024-2026)
    • Cory Regier – FAC Chair/Treasurer (term:2024-2026)
    • Tom Enns – Member at Large (term:2024-2028)
    • Mike Rochon – Member at Large (term:2024-2028)
  • MB Seminary Board
    • Ray Harms Wiebe – Member at Large (term: 2024 – 2028)
    • Melody Loewen – Member at Large (term: 2024 – 2028)
    • Linda Spletzer (term: 2024-2028)
  • Multiply Board
    • Wendi Thiessen (term: 2024 – 2028)
  • Nomination Committee
    • Ewald Unruh – Member at Large (term:2024-2028)

8. Motion – Affirmation of Provincial Representatives to the CCMBC Executive Board

It is moved that the following individuals brought forward by their respective provincial boards be affirmed by ballot as representatives to the CCMBC Executive Board for their province.

  • Sandi Reutlinger – BC

  • Fred Weiss – AB

  • Johnny Dodsworth – Man.

9. Motion – Multiply Bylaws

It is moved that the CCMBC Member Representative* vote in favour of approving the Multiply bylaws (Canada) as presented.

Related Documents:

10. Motion – Adjournment
It is moved the Annual General Meeting be adjourned.

*Explanation of the CCMBC Member Representative:

The Multiply Bylaws and the Legacy Bylaws have been written to comply with the Canadian Not-for-Profit Corporation Act (CNCA). These bylaws state that a single individual will be selected by the CCMBC Executive Board to be the CCMBC Member Representative who will vote on behalf of the Canadian Conference of MB Churches.


The CCMBC Member Representative will vote on three motions at the Legacy Annual General Meeting:

  • To approve the Consolidated Legacy Audited Statements,
  • To appoint the CCMBC Investments auditor, and
  • To appoint the Legacy auditor.


The CCMBC Member Representative will vote on one motion at the Multiply Annual General Meeting:

  • To approve the Multiply bylaws (Canada).


The motions presented give the CCMBC Member Representative clear instructions on how to vote on each of the motions. By following this procedure, the CCMBC Executive Board is ensuring that related organizations are being accountable to the MB churches in Canada.

2024 Reports

Historical Commission Report
Historical Commission report Download PDF
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MBCM (Manitoba) Report
Being a good news people
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ABMB (Alberta) Report
ABMB report Download PDF
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SKMB (Saskatchewan) report
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2024 National Director's report
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ONMB (Ontario) Report
Being a good news people
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Legacy Report
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for the privilege of partnering with each one of you in the common...
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MB Seminary Report
When reading the Genesis story of Joseph, it might be tempting to chalk up his success in distributing...
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2024 Moderator's report
Moderator’s Report I joined the Executive Board of the Canadian Conference of MB churches (CCMBC)...
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National Faith and Life Director Report
National Faith & Life Director Report for 2024 AGM/National Assembly MANDATE According to the new...
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Finance & Audit Committee
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BCMB Report
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